How to Get SAP S User IDSAP S User ID is a unique number that SAP uses for identification of people on its web portals and databases. For example you need S User ID in order to access SAP support portal or register for SAP certification. In this way S User ID is very much similar to forms of authentication used by other large IT companies, such as Apple with Apple ID, that gives access to Apple App Store, and Microsoft with Live ID, that gives access to Hotmail and other online services. However, SAP websites are not very straightforward and for many people obtaining SAP S User ID becomes confusing exercise. In this article the steps for obtaining S User ID are discussed and some related questions are answered.

How to Get SAP S User ID

First, just to have an idea of what S User ID looks like, here is what you should be expecting: S000000000. Zeros there are replaced with actual numbers. So, how to get SAP S User ID? In fact, there are two ways to request it:

  1. Option one is to let your system administrator to do it for you. Thus, you need to know who your company's super administrator is. Then, you can simply contact him or her to request them to create an S User ID for you.
  2. Option two can be handy if you have no idea who is SAP administrator in your company. In this case you can register for an SAP S user ID by clicking the registration link in the upper right hand of SAP Service Marketplace home page (see screenshot below) or by following this link: Please note that customer or installation number are required for those who want to register as customer and a partner number is required for those who want to register as an SAP partner.
  3. Option three suits best people that want to register for SAP certification. During registration for SAP certification you will be assigned an SAP S User ID or will have an opportunity to create it. If you register for certification offline (by phone or in SAP center) you should ask SAP personnel about your S User ID.

SAP Marketplace
In case you do not know customer or installation numbers that are required for option two, they can be requested through SAP Customer Interaction Center. In this article we tried to explain how to get SAP S User ID and provided some relevant information. If something is not clear or you would like to know more, please let us know in the comments section!