
Windows Blue rumors hint at major Windows update this year - carterthreatin1945

Demonstrate of a big "Windows Blue" update this year keep on to pile up, including the eldest alleged screenshots of the future Windows software.

As previously rumored, Windows Blue may not name only to an update for Windows, merely to a set of coordinated updates for several Microsoft products, including Windows Phone, Windows Server, Windows RT, and services much arsenic SkyDrive and But so far, actual details on the software package have been meagerly.

That may soon change A screenshots are start to bubble up. Unrivalled image, posted on WinAero, doesn't show any new features, simply lists kernel version 6.3 along the About Windows screen. As The Verge notes, kernel numbers 6.0, 6.1 and 6.2 belonged to Windows Aspect, 7 and 8, respectively, so it seems that Microsoft views Blue as a significant upgrade.

If this crude screenshot is authentic, we can expect to see more in due time:

Courtesy of WinAreo
Real? A screenshot that purports to establish center version 6.3 on the About Windows screen.

In the meantime, a report by The Virgin Jo Foley at ZDNet lends some veracity to the alleged image. Foley says the Windows 6.3 kernel number is correct, citing an unnamed source.

She also reported that Microsoft has reasonable smasher its first milestone body-build for Windows Blue, which means that development is now at the central point. Microsoft may be aiming to launch the update in the late summer of this twelvemonth.

Officially, Microsoft has not commented on its future Windows plans. However, a modern job placard from the company mentioned Windows Blue by name, and spoke of "enhancing ease of use and the total user know on devices and PCs worldwide." It seems likely that Microsoft will do some tweaking to the Contemporary user interface and update its own native Windows 8 apps.

Of feed, there's been plenty of speculation about what Microsoft could and should do with future versions of Windows, including suggestions that Microsoft should try to hit a cleaner break out between its desktop and Redbrick interfaces, and perchance work toward violent death the desktop altogether down the touring.

In Windows Racy, it'll be unputdownable to watch whether Microsoft does more for the desktop, or tries even harder to advertize out from it.


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