
What Was The Makeup Of Congress When Obama Was President

2011–2013 coming together of U.S. legislature

112th U.s.a. Congress

111th ←

→ 113th

United States Capitol (5945814255).jpg

Us Capitol (2011)

January three, 2011 – January 3, 2013
Members 100 senators
435 representatives
6 not-voting delegates
Senate Majority Democratic
Senate President Joe Biden (D)
House Majority Republican
Business firm Speaker John Boehner (R)
1st: January 5, 2011 – January 3, 2012
2nd: Jan 3, 2012 – January 3, 2013

The 112th Us Congress was a coming together of the legislative branch of the U.s.a. federal regime, from January 3, 2011, until Jan 3, 2013. It convened in Washington, D.C. on January 3, 2011, and ended on January iii, 2013, 17 days earlier the cease of the presidential term to which Barack Obama was elected in 2008. Senators elected to regular terms in 2006 completed those terms in this Congress. This Congress included the terminal House of Representatives elected from congressional districts that were apportioned based on the 2000 census.[ane] [2]

In the 2010 midterm elections, the Republican Party won the majority in the Firm of Representatives. While the Democrats kept their Senate bulk, information technology was reduced from the previous Congress.[3]

This was the kickoff Congress in which the Business firm and Senate were controlled by dissimilar parties since the 107th Congress (2001–2003), and the offset Congress to brainstorm that way since the 99th Congress (1985–1987).[ citation needed ] Information technology was also the commencement Congress since the 36th Congress, over 150 years, in which the Republican Party held the House just not the Senate. In this Congress, the House of Representatives had the largest number of Republican members, 242, since the 80th Congress (1947–1949).[4] This was the only Congress between the 79th (1945–1947) and the 117th (2021–2023) that did not include a member of the Kennedy family.

Every bit of 2021, this is the nearly recent Congress in which Democrats held a Senate seat in Nebraska or a Business firm seat in Arkansas, the terminal in which Republicans held both Senate seats in Maine, and the terminal in which Democrats did not hold all seats in Connecticut.

Major events [edit]

  • January six, 2011: On the 2d day of the 112th Congress, the House of Representatives read a modified version of the U.S. Constitution, a first.[five]
  • January viii, 2011: 2011 Tucson shooting: Representative Gabby Giffords and 19 other people were shot by a gunman in Tucson, Arizona. Vi of them, including a federal judge and a congressional aide, died. Votes on the House floor were suspended for one week.
  • January 25, 2011: 2011 State of the Marriage Address
  • March 19, 2011: The United States initiated Operation Odyssey Dawn as office of the international military intervention in the Libyan Ceremonious War.[6] The intervention continued nether the auspices of NATO every bit Operation Unified Protector until the terminate of armed forces operations in October 2011.
  • May 2, 2011: Navy SEALs killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Operation Neptune Spear.
  • April nine, 2011: A terminal-infinitesimal deal between both parties averts a partial shutdown of the federal government.
  • August ii, 2011: The 2011 debt-ceiling crunch ends with the Budget Command Act of 2011.
  • December 18, 2011: The United states of america completed its withdrawal of troops from Iraq, formally ending the Republic of iraq War.[7]
  • January 24, 2012: 2012 State of the Matrimony Address
  • June 28, 2012: In National Federation of Independent Business organization v. Sebelius, the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Human activity's constitutionality but found the expansion of Medicaid unconstitutionally coercive on usa.
  • November 6, 2012: 2012 general elections, including:
    • 2012 Us House of Representatives elections, in which Democrats gained eight seats, just not enough to retake the majority
    • 2012 The states Senate elections, in which Democrats gained ii seats in their majority
    • 2012 United States presidential election, in which Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term
  • December xiv, 2012: The Sandy Hook Simple School shooting leaves 28 dead, and prompts argue on gun control in the United States.[8]
  • January one, 2013: United States fiscal cliff avoided. (See American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012)

Potential government shutdown [edit]

A failure to pass a 2011 federal budget nigh led to a shutdown of non-essential authorities services on April 9, 2011, with the furlough of 800,000 regime employees appearing imminent.[9] President Obama met Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner in the days preceding the deadline only was unable to come to an understanding to laissez passer a upkeep.[ citation needed ] A one-week upkeep was proposed to avert a government shutdown and allow more time for negotiations; however, proposals from both parties could not be accommodated.[ citation needed ] Obama said he would veto a proposed Republican upkeep over Republican social spending cuts.[ citation needed ] This was also backed past Senate Democrats who objected to such cuts every bit that of Planned Parenthood.[ten] [eleven] [12] Even so, an agreement was reached between the ii parties for a one-week budget to allow for more than fourth dimension to negotiate after Republicans dropped their stance on the Planned Parenthood issue.[11] The two parties ultimately agreed on a 2011 federal budget the following week.[ citation needed ]

There were many reactions to the possible shutdown with some saying the economy could be hurt during a frail recovery[thirteen] and others maxim the lack of an unnecessary bureaucracy would not be noticed.[xiv] There was also criticism that while senators and representatives would continue to get paid others such as the police and armed services personnel would either not exist paid for their work or have their payments deferred.[15]

Debt limit crisis [edit]

On August 2, 2011, the United States public debt was projected to reach its statutory maximum. Without an increase in that limit the U.S. Treasury would exist unable to borrow money to pay its bills. Although previous statutory increases have been routine, conservative members of the House refused to allow an increase without drastically reducing government spending. Over several weeks and months, negotiators from both parties, both houses, and the White House worked to forge a compromise. The compromise pecker, the Budget Control Human action of 2011, was enacted on Baronial 2.

Major legislation [edit]

Enacted [edit]

  • April 15, 2011: 2011 United states of america federal budget (every bit Department of Defence force and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011), Pub.L. 112–10 (text) (PDF)
  • Baronial 2, 2011: Upkeep Control Act of 2011, Pub.L. 112–25 (text) (PDF)
  • September 16, 2011: Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, Pub.Fifty. 112–29 (text) (PDF)
  • October 21, 2011: United States-Korea Complimentary Trade Understanding Implementation Act, Pub.L. 112–41 (text) (PDF)
  • October 21, 2011: United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Deed, Pub.L. 112–42 (text) (PDF)
  • October 21, 2011: United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Deed, Pub.50. 112–43 (text) (PDF)
  • December twenty, 2011: Consolidated Appropriations Human action, 2012, Pub.L. 112-74
  • December 31, 2011: National Defense Authorization Deed for Fiscal Twelvemonth 2012, Pub.L. 112–81 (text) (PDF)
  • Feb 22, 2012: Middle Form Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, Pub.L. 112–96 (text) (PDF)
  • March 8, 2012: Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Human activity of 2011, Pub.L. 112–98 (text) (PDF)
  • April 4, 2012: Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Human activity of 2012 (STOCK Human action), Pub.L. 112–105 (text) (PDF)
  • April five, 2012: Jumpstart Our Concern Startups Human activity (JOBS Act), Pub.L. 112–106 (text) (PDF)
  • May xxx, 2012: Export-Import Banking company Reauthorization Deed of 2012, Pub.L. 112-122
  • July 6, 2012: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Deed (MAP-21 Act), Pub.Fifty. 112–141 (text) (PDF)
  • July 9, 2012: Food and Drug Administration Safe and Innovation Human action (FDASIA), Pub.50. 112–144 (text) (PDF)
  • September 28, 2012: Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2013, Pub.L. 112–175 (text) (PDF)
  • November 27, 2012: Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012, Pub.L. 112–199 (text) (PDF)
  • Nov 27, 2012: European Spousal relationship Emissions Trading Scheme Prohibition Act, Pub.L. 112-200
  • December 14, 2012: Magnitsky Act, Pub.L. 112–208 (text) (PDF)
  • January 2, 2013: American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, Pub.L. 112–240 (text) (PDF)
  • January x, 2013: Katie Sepich Enhanced Dna Collection Act of 2012 (Katie's Police), Pub.L. 111-253

Proposed [edit]

  • American Jobs Act, South. 1549
  • Cutting, Cap and Balance Deed, H.R. 2560
  • Domestic Fuels Protection Act H.R. 4345
  • Federal Reserve Transparency Deed, Southward. 202, H.R. 459
  • No Taxpayer Funding for Ballgame Human activity, H.R. 3
  • PROTECT IP Act, Due south. 968
  • Protect Life Act, H.R. 358
  • Repealing the Chore-Killing Health Care Police force Act, H.R. 2
  • Respect for Union Act, South. 598, H.R. 1116
  • Cease Online Piracy Act, H.R. 3261
Come across likewise: Active Legislation, 112th Congress, via

Party summary [edit]

Resignations and new members are discussed in the "Changes in membership" section, below.

Senate [edit]


(shading indicates majority caucus)

Total Vacant
Democratic Independent
(caucusing with
End of previous Congress 56 two 42 100 0
Begin 51 2 47 100 0
May 3, 2011 46 99 1
May 9, 2011 47 100 0
Dec 17, 2012 fifty 99 1
December 26, 2012 51 100 0
January i, 2013 46 99 1
Jan 2, 2013 47 100 0
Final voting share 53% 47%
Start of the next Congress 53 ii 45 100 0

House of Representatives [edit]

Last House Membership
 191 Democrats

 four Vacant


(Shading indicates majority caucus)

Full Vacant
Democratic Republican
End of previous Congress 255 179 434 1
Begin 193 242 435 0
February 9, 2011 241 434 1
February 28, 2011 192 433 ii
May 9, 2011 240 432 three
May 24, 2011 193 433 2
June 21, 2011 192 432 3
July 12, 2011 193 433 2
August 3, 2011 192 432 3
September 13, 2011 242 434 1
January 25, 2012 191 433 2
January 31, 2012 192 434 1
March vi, 2012 191 433 2
March 20, 2012 190 432 3
June 12, 2012 191 433 ii
July vii, 2012 241 432 3
July 31, 2012 240 431 iv
August 15, 2012 190 430 5
November 13, 2012 192 241 433 2
November 15, 2012 193 434 1
November 21, 2012 192 433 2
December 3, 2012 191 432 3
January 2, 2013 240 431 iv
Final voting share 44.3%
Non-voting members six 0 six 0
Beginning of next Congress 200 233 433 2

Leadership [edit]

Section contents: Senate: Majority (D), Minority (R) • House: Majority (R), Minority (D)

Senate [edit]

Joe Biden

  • President: Joe Biden (D)
  • President pro tempore: Daniel Inouye (D), until December 17, 2012
    • Patrick Leahy (D), from Dec 17, 2012

Majority (Autonomous) leadership [edit]

  • Bulk Leader and Caucus Chair: Harry Reid
  • Assistant Majority Leader (Majority Whip): Dick Durbin
  • Democratic Caucus Vice Chairman and Policy Committee Chairman: Chuck Schumer[16]
  • Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman and Caucus Secretarial assistant: Patty Murray[17] [eighteen]
  • Policy Committee Vice Chairman: Debbie Stabenow[eighteen]
  • Steering and Outreach Committee Chairman: Marking Begich[18]
  • Steering and Outreach Committee Vice Chairman: Daniel Akaka
  • Master Deputy Whip: Barbara Boxer

Minority (Republican) leadership [edit]

  • Minority Leader: Mitch McConnell
  • Assistant Minority Leader (Minority Whip): Jon Kyl
  • Republican Briefing Chairman: Lamar Alexander, until 2012
    • John Thune, from 2012
  • Policy Committee Chairman: John Thune, until 2012
    • John Barrasso, from 2012
  • Republican Conference Vice Chairman: John Barrasso, until 2012
    • Roy Blunt, from 2012
  • National Senatorial Committee Chair: John Cornyn
  • Deputy Whips: Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Mike Crapo, Saxby Chambliss, Rob Portman, Olympia Snowe, David Vitter, Roger Wicker

House of Representatives [edit]

John Boehner

  • Speaker: John Boehner (R)

Bulk (Republican) leadership [edit]

  • Majority Leader: Eric Cantor
  • Majority Whip: Kevin McCarthy
  • Majority Chief Deputy Whip: Peter Roskam
  • House Rules Committee Chairman: David Dreier
  • Republican Briefing Chairman: Jeb Hensarling
  • Republican Campaign Commission Chairman: Pete Sessions
  • Policy Committee Chairman: Tom Price
  • Republican Conference Vice-Chairman: Cathy McMorris Rodgers
  • Republican Briefing Secretary: John Carter
  • Campaign Committee Deputy Chairman: Greg Walden

Minority (Democratic) leadership [edit]

  • Minority Leader: Nancy Pelosi
  • Minority Whip: Steny Hoyer
  • Banana Autonomous Leader: Jim Clyburn
  • Senior Main Deputy Minority Whip: John Lewis
  • Chief Deputy Minority Whips: Maxine Waters, Jim Matheson, Ed Pastor, Jan Schakowsky, Joseph Crowley, Diana DeGette, Grand. K. Butterfield, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Peter Welch
  • Democratic Caucus Chairman: John B. Larson
  • Democratic Conclave Vice-Chairman: Xavier Becerra
  • Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: Steve State of israel
  • Steering/Policy Committee Co-Chairs: Rosa DeLauro and George Miller[nineteen]
  • Organization, Study, and Review Chairman: Mike Capuano[xx]

Members [edit]

For the start time in the history of Congress, over one-half its members were millionaires as of 2012; Democrats had a median internet worth of $i.04 million, while the Republicans median was "almost exactly" $1.00 million.[21] [22] In this Congress, Class ane meant their term ended with this Congress, requiring reelection in 2012; Class 2 meant their term began in the last Congress, requiring reelection in 2014; and Course three meant their term began in this Congress, requiring reelection in 2016.

Senate [edit]

House of Representatives [edit]

Changes in membership [edit]

Senate [edit]

Vacated by Reason for alter Successor Appointment of successor's
formal installation[b]
John Ensign
Resigned May three, 2011, due to an Ethics Committee investigation.[27]
A successor was appointed Apr 27, 2011, to serve the remainder of the term that ends with this Congress.
Dean Heller
May nine, 2011[29]
Daniel Inouye
Died December 17, 2012 [30]
A successor was appointed December 26, 2012, to serve until a special ballot was held to stop the term ending January 3, 2017.
Brian Schatz
December 27, 2012
South Carolina
Jim DeMint
Resigned January 1, 2013, to run the Heritage Foundation[31]
A successor was appointed Jan 2, 2013, to serve until a special ballot was held to finish the term catastrophe January 3, 2017.
Tim Scott
January ii, 2013[32]

House of Representatives [edit]

District Vacated past Reason for modify Successor Date of successor's
formal installation[b]
New York 26th Christopher Lee
Resigned February 9, 2011, due to a personal scandal.[33]
A special election was held May 24, 2011.[34]
Kathy Hochul
June 1, 2011
California 36th Jane Harman
Resigned February 28, 2011, to get the head of the Woodrow Wilson Center.[35]
A special election was held July 12, 2011.[36]
Janice Hahn
July xix, 2011
Nevada 2nd Dean Heller
Resigned May 9, 2011, when appointed to the Senate.[28]
A special ballot was held September 13, 2011.[37]
Marking Amodei
September xv, 2011
New York 9th Anthony Weiner
Resigned June 21, 2011, due to a personal scandal.[38]
A special election was held September thirteen, 2011.[39]
Bob Turner
September fifteen, 2011
Oregon 1st David Wu
Resigned August three, 2011, due to a personal scandal.
A special ballot was held January 31, 2012.[40]
Suzanne Bonamici
Feb 7, 2012
Arizona 8th Gabby Giffords
Resigned Jan 25, 2012, to focus on recovery from 2011 Tucson shooting.[41]
A special election was held June 12, 2012.[42]
Ron Barber
June 19, 2012
New Jersey 10th Donald One thousand. Payne
Died March vi, 2012.[43]
A special ballot was held November 6, 2012.[44]
Donald Payne Jr.
November 15, 2012[24]
Washington 1st Jay Inslee
Resigned March xx, 2012, to focus on gubernatorial campaign.[45]
A special election was held November half dozen, 2012.[46]
Suzan DelBene
November 13, 2012[23]
Michigan 11th Thaddeus McCotter
Resigned July half dozen, 2012, due to personal reasons.[47]
A special ballot was held November 6, 2012.[48]
David Curson
November xiii, 2012[23]
Kentucky fourth Geoff Davis
Resigned July 31, 2012, due to personal reasons.[49]
A special ballot was held November half-dozen, 2012.[50]
Thomas Massie
November 13, 2012[23]
California 18th Dennis Cardoza
Resigned Baronial 15, 2012, due to personal reasons.[51] Vacant until the adjacent Congress
Illinois 2d Jesse Jackson Jr.
Resigned November 21, 2012, due to a personal scandal.
California 51st Bob Filner
Resigned December three, 2012, to become Mayor of San Diego.
South Carolina 1st Tim Scott
Resigned January 2, 2013, when appointed to the United States Senate.[25]

Committees [edit]

[ Section contents: Senate, Firm, Articulation ]

Senate [edit]

House of Representatives [edit]

Joint appointments [edit]

  • Deficit Reduction (Select)— Co-chairs: Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R), Sen. Patty Murray (D)
  • Economic— Chair: Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D), Ranking: Rep. Kevin Brady (R)
  • Inaugural Ceremonies (Special)— Chair: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D), Ranking: Sen. Lamar Alexander (R)
  • The Library— Chair: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D), Ranking: Rep. Gregg Harper (R)
  • Printing— Chair: Rep. Gregg Harper (R), Ranking: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D)
  • Taxation— Chair: Rep. Dave Camp (R), Ranking: Sen. Max Baucus (D)

Caucuses [edit]

Employees [edit]

Legislative co-operative agency directors [edit]

  • Architect of the Capitol: Stephen T. Ayers
  • Attending Physician of the U.s.a. Congress: Brian Monahan
  • Comptroller General of the Usa: Eugene Louis Dodaro
  • Director of the Congressional Upkeep Office: Douglas W. Elmendorf
  • Librarian of Congress: James H. Billington
  • Public Printer of the United States: William J. Boarman, until January 3, 2012
    • Davita Vance-Cooks, from January 3, 2012

Senate [edit]

  • Chaplain: Barry C. Black (Seventh-day Adventist)
  • Curator: Diane K. Skvarla
  • Historian: Richard A. Baker
  • Parliamentarian: Alan Frumin, until Feb 2, 2012
    • Elizabeth MacDonough, from February 2, 2012
  • Secretary: Nancy Erickson
  • Sergeant at Artillery: Terrance W. Gainer
  • Secretary for the Bulk: Gary B. Myrick[52]
  • Secretary for the Minority: David J. Schiappa

Firm of Representatives [edit]

  • Chaplain: Daniel Coughlin (Roman Cosmic), until April 14, 2011[53]
    • Patrick J. Conroy (Roman Catholic), from May 25, 2011[54]
  • Chief Administrative Officer: Daniel J. Strodel[53]
  • Clerk: Karen L. Haas[53]
  • Historian: Matthew Wasniewski[55]
  • Parliamentarian: John V. Sullivan, until 2012
    • Thomas Wickham Jr., from 2012
  • Reading Clerks: Susan Cole and Joseph Novotny
  • Sergeant at Arms: Wilson Livingood, until January 17, 2012[53]
    • Paul D. Irving from Jan 17, 2012[56]
  • Inspector General: Theresa Grand. Grafenstine[57]

See also [edit]

  • Do Non Ask What Good We Practise

Elections [edit]

  • 2010 United States elections (elections held in advance of this Congress)
    • 2010 United States Senate elections
    • 2010 United States House of Representatives elections
  • 2012 United states of america elections (elections to be held during this Congress)
    • 2012 Us presidential election
    • 2012 United States Senate elections
    • 2012 United states House of Representatives elections

Membership lists [edit]

  • List of freshman grade members of the 112th Usa Congress
  • Members of the 112th United States Congress

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d e f k The Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party (DFL) and the North Dakota Autonomous-Nonpartisan League Party (D-NPL) are the Minnesota and North Dakota affiliates of the U.S. Autonomous Party and are counted as Democrats.
  2. ^ a b When seated or oath administered, not necessarily when service began.

References [edit]

  1. ^ Pub.L. 111–289 (text) (PDF)
  2. ^ Senate Agenda for January 20, 2012.
  3. ^ Zeleny, Jeff (November two, 2010). "Grand.O.P. Captures Business firm, but Not Senate". New York Times . Retrieved November 3, 2010.
  4. ^ Abramowitz, Alan (December 12, 2010). "Become ready for the virtually bourgeois Congress always". Archived from the original on September 4, 2011. Retrieved July thirteen, 2012.
  5. ^ Yadron, Danny (Jan 6, 2011). "House Reads Constitution, Gets Civics Lesson". Wall Street Journal. Retrieved Jan 12, 2011.
  6. ^ Jeremiah Gertler (March 30, 2011). "Operation Odyssey Dawn (Libya): Groundwork and Issues for Congress" (PDF). Congressional Enquiry Service.
  7. ^ "Usa troops consummate their withdrawal from Republic of iraq". Herald Dominicus. Commonwealth of australia. Retrieved Dec 18, 2011.
  8. ^ Steinhauer, Jennifer (January 24, 2013). "Senator Unveils Bill to Limit Semiautomatic Arms". The New York Times . Retrieved January 28, 2013.
  9. ^ Rowley, James (April seven, 2011). "U.Southward. Government Shutdown Threatens 800,000 People As Obama Seeks Solution". Bloomberg. Retrieved May x, 2011.
  10. ^ "The states budget talks remain deadlocked". Al Jazeera. April 8, 2011. Retrieved May x, 2011.
  11. ^ a b Davis, Julie Hirschfeld; Faler, Brian (April 9, 2011). "Wrangle Over U.S. Budget Compromise Defines Next 2 Years' Fiscal Debate". Bloomberg. Retrieved May 10, 2011.
  12. ^ "Pres. Obama and Congressional Leaders Reach Budget Deal". CSPAN. Apr viii, 2011. Archived from the original on April 14, 2011. Retrieved May ten, 2011.
  13. ^ Dodge, Catherine; Goldman, Julianna (Apr 8, 2011). "Long Government Shutdown Would Harm U.S. Economy, Hit Washington Hardest". Bloomberg. Retrieved May 10, 2011.
  14. ^ "Editorial: Authorities shutdown survival guide". The Washington Times. April 7, 2011. Retrieved May 10, 2011.
  15. ^ Goldman, Julianna (April 7, 2011). "Boehner Gets Paid While Soldiers Wait When Congress Shuts Downwards Government". Bloomberg. Retrieved May ten, 2011. Members of Congress 'shouldn't be getting paid, simply like federal employees shouldn't be getting paid' during a shutdown, Boehner said today on ABC'southward 'Practiced Morning America'
  16. ^ "U.South. Senate, Democratic Committees". Archived from the original on May 4, 2011. Retrieved May 5, 2011.
  17. ^ "U.S. Senate Briefing Secretaries". Retrieved May five, 2011.
  18. ^ a b c "U.Southward. Senate, Autonomous Steering and Outreach Committee". Archived from the original on August 6, 2011. Retrieved August ten, 2011.
  19. ^ Office of the Speaker of the House (December two, 2010). "Pelosi Announces Steering and Policy Committee Members". PR Newswire. Retrieved February 17, 2011.
  20. ^ "Congressman Capuano's Update". FN Online. Feb iii, 2011. Archived from the original on July 26, 2011. Retrieved February 16, 2011.
  21. ^ "Millionaires' Club: For Start Fourth dimension, Most Lawmakers are Worth $1 1000000-Plus". OpenSecrets. OpenSecrets. January 9, 2014. Retrieved January 12, 2014.
  22. ^ "One-half of US Congressional politicians are millionaires". BBC News. Jan 10, 2014. Retrieved January 12, 2014.
  23. ^ a b c d e f "Business firm Flooring Activities: Legislative Day of November 13, 2012". Washington, D.C.: Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives. Retrieved February 3, 2019.
  24. ^ a b "Firm Floor Activities: Legislative 24-hour interval of November fifteen, 2012". Washington, D.C.: Office of the Clerk of the U.S. Firm of Representatives. Retrieved Feb 3, 2019.
  25. ^ a b 2012Congressional Record, Vol. 158, Page H7467 (December 30, 2012)
  26. ^ Access Denied. Retrieved on August 16, 2013.
  27. ^ "Nevada Sen. John Ensign announces resignation". Politico. April 21, 2011.
  28. ^ a b Murray, Mark (April 27, 2011). "Sandoval appoints Heller to fill Ensign seat". NBC News. Archived from the original on April 30, 2011.
  29. ^ Heller in transition: One foot in Business firm, one foot in Senate | Las Vegas Review-Journal. (May three, 2011). Retrieved on Baronial 16, 2013.
  30. ^ "Sen. Daniel Inouye dies of respiratory complications". MSN News. Associated Press. December 17, 2012. Archived from the original on December 21, 2012.
  31. ^ "Southward Carolina Republican United states Sen. Jim DeMint resigning to have over at Heritage Foundation". The Washington Post. December 6, 2012. Archived from the original on Feb twenty, 2019. Retrieved December 6, 2012.
  32. ^ Scott's appointment took result January 2, 2013, upon his resignation from the House of Representatives; he took the oath of office on January iii, 2013.[1]
  33. ^ "Lee Resigns After Photos Surface". Political Wire. February 9, 2011. Archived from the original on February 12, 2011. Retrieved February nine, 2011.
  34. ^ "Governor Cuomo Signs Bill to Ensure War machine Voters are Treated Fairly in Special Elections, Calls Special Election in 26th Congressional Commune". Governor of New York's Printing Office. March 9, 2011. Archived from the original on March 22, 2014. Retrieved March 9, 2011.
  35. ^ Allen, Mike; Cohen, Richard E. (February 7, 2011). "Rep. Jane Harman to resign from Firm". Retrieved February 17, 2011.
  36. ^ "Governor Chocolate-brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Special Election for 36th Congressional District". Governor of California Press Release. March xiv, 2011. Archived from the original on June 2, 2011. Retrieved March 14, 2011.
  37. ^ "Sandoval Sets Fall Special to Fill Heller'due south Seat". Roll Call. Apr 29, 2011. Retrieved April 29, 2011.
  38. ^ Camia, Catalina (June 20, 2011). "Anthony Weiner Officially Steps Down Tuesday". USA Today . Retrieved June 21, 2011.
  39. ^ "Governor Cuomo Sets Special Elections for September 13 to Coincide with Statewide Master Solar day". Governor of New York'southward Press Role. July ane, 2011. Archived from the original on March 22, 2014. Retrieved July 1, 2011.
  40. ^ Freking, Kevin (August 4, 2011). "Wu notifies governor, speaker of resignation". San Diego Union Tribune. Associated Printing.
  41. ^ "Giffords resigns House seat to focus on recovery". Associated Press. January 25, 2012.
  42. ^ Nowicki, Dan (January 27, 2012). "Brewer sets Giffords seat election dates". The Arizona Republic. Archived from the original on July 18, 2012. Retrieved January 27, 2012.
  43. ^ "U.S. Representative Donald Payne dead at 77". New Jersey Real. March half dozen, 2012.
  44. ^ Livingston, Abby (March 30, 2012). "New Jersey: Special Election Dates For Payne Seat Set". Scroll Call. Archived from the original on April 1, 2012. Retrieved March 31, 2012.
  45. ^ "Inslee resigning Business firm seat for governor's race". March x, 2012.
  46. ^ Cornfield, Jerry (March 29, 2012). "Gregoire: Ballot in works to replace Inslee". HeraldNet. The Daily Herald. Retrieved March 31, 2012.
  47. ^ "Rep. Thaddeus McCotter resigns from Congress". July vi, 2012.
  48. ^ Toeplitz, Shira (July 10, 2012). "Michigan: Governor Calls Special Ballot for Thaddeus McCotter Seat". Archived from the original on July 13, 2012. Retrieved July 11, 2012.
  49. ^ "Statement from congressman geoff davis". July 31, 2012. Archived from the original on August ii, 2012. Retrieved July 31, 2012.
  50. ^ Associated Press (Baronial 17, 2012). "Beshear calls special ballot to supercede Davis".
  51. ^ Doyle, Michael (Baronial 14, 2012). "Capitol Alarm: Rep. Dennis Cardoza announces resignation". Archived from the original on August xv, 2012. Retrieved August 14, 2012.
  52. ^ S.Res. v, 112th Congress
  53. ^ a b c d H.Res. 1, Electing officers of the House of Representatives, 112th Congress
  54. ^ "VIDEO: Speaker Boehner Swears In Begetter Patrick J. Conroy as House Chaplain". May 25, 2011. Archived from the original on September thirty, 2011. Retrieved January 25, 2012.
  55. ^ Matthew A. Wasniewski (Matt) - Congressional Staffer Salary Data. Retrieved on August 16, 2013.
  56. ^ Sergeant at Arms-U.s. House of Representatives
  57. ^ See: Rules of the House: "Other officers and officials" Archived June 23, 2011, at the Wayback Machine

Further reading [edit]

  • Aftershock: The 112th Congress and Post-Crisis Asia by Edward Gresser and Daniel Twining (National Agency of Asian Enquiry, 2011)

External links [edit]

  • Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress
  • 112th Congress at the Library of Congress
  • Member Information, via U.South. House of Representatives
  • Statistics and Lists, via U.Southward. Senate
  • Congressional Directory: Primary Page, Government Press Office Online. Detailed listings of many aspects of current & previous memberships and sessions of Congress.
  • Collected coverage Archived September 25, 2013, at the Wayback Motorcar on C-Span
  • "Videos of House of Representatives Sessions for the 112th Congress from".
  • "Videos of Senate Sessions for the 112th Congress from".
  • "Videos of Committees from the Firm and Senate for the 112th Congress from".
  • Business firm of Representatives Session Calendar for the 112th Congress, 2011 calendar (PDF).
  • House of Representatives Session Agenda for the 112th Congress, 2012 calendar (PDF).
  • Senate Session Agenda for the 112th Congress (PDF).
  • Congressional Pictorial Directory for the 112th Congress (PDF).
  • Congressional Pictorial Directory for the 112th Congress (PDF) (1st Revised ed.).
  • Congressional Pictorial Directory for the 112th Congress (PDF) (2nd Revised ed.).
  • Official Congressional Directory for the 112th Congress

What Was The Makeup Of Congress When Obama Was President,


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