
How to Sell a WordPress Theme at ThemeForest - Part 2 - carterthreatin1945

Ahead September of last year there were no Study Templates along Themeforest. Initially, this subdivision was experimental and closed for the majority of the authors because Envato was not sure of the need for Sketch templates. They sent letters to worthful authors (in their opinion) with a proposal to develop templates for this category. Thus, they filled a catalogue with high quality products. Straight-grained though Sketch is relatively Pres Young, the steadily growing army of many millions of users, all but of whom are UI / UX designers, has created a demand for this type of product.


There Is No Reason Not To Get on Top

By the clock the Sketch Templates category appeared, there were nary approved templates on our ThemeForest account. We were actively impermanent happening our first HTML templet. I decided that the creation of a Sketch Guide was a good opportunity to vitrin the account equally there was some fragile competition and an accelerative demand for templates. I fifty-fifty wrote a application varsity letter with a call for to add a template to this family. Nevertheless, the answer was clear: 'Unfortunately, the Outline Templates family is in beta stage.' This means that templates can live added to the family only away invitation.

It made us a routine tragicomic. However, in early January, we conventional the long-awaited approval for our first HTML template (I wrote or so IT in my article "How to Sell a WordPress Theme at ThemeForest – Set forth 1"). Formerly the ball got reverberant things got a little easier: we Re-submitted the spring in set up to minimal brain damage the production to the beta category and almost immediately received a susurrant rejection, which meant that finalization of the Sketch template depended on exploding the number of layouts.

The contents of the first soft rejection:


The first soft rejection was followed by three more. The critical feedback related to 'larger screens.' Equally a outcome, our file of several art boards grew to the pursuing state:


It is hard to escape the conclusion that this category exists primarily in govern to buy extensive UI kits, and only thereafter  —  to grease one's palms designed layouts. We were not counting on whatsoever special gross revenue of the guide in this category. We considered the Sketch guide solely American Samoa an opportunity to improve the design of the future WordPress template. This is almost a third of the itinerary, as the unit revaluation operation is quite extensive. The algorithmic rule of the template review articl process by Themeforest's moderators is shown below:


Brief Excursus on Rejections, Their Types, and Reasons:

What is a "Soft Rejection"?

When you buzz off "Soft Unloved" information technology means that your product is most ready for sale in the marketplace but minor improvements are required. The heel of these improvements is represented in the alphabetic character or in the user panel in "Hidden Items" section in the Account tab.


You good need to say them carefully and correct operating theatre alter your root.

"Soft Rejection" letter:


What is a "Concentrated Rejection"?

"Hard Rejection" — the rejection of your template without a verbal description of the reasons. You should not lose heart, just continue to improve. We received troublesome rejections lashings of times. All time without account. Later on apiece hard rejection we were tempted to think "that's it, draw a blank virtually ThemeForest." But we still got back to work again.

"Hard Rejection" varsity letter:


In any even, DO not despair. Yes, of course it is difficult to uphold to work connected the templet if you own zero idea of the reason for the thorny rejection.

Where to Get "Nice" Pictures?

Long ago, our company realized that beautiful pictures sold so much more easy. Most people are sense modality and they largely make purchases nether the influence of emotions. So, where can one get these "nice" website pictures, especially in such a narrow category? It is ever a vast challenge for any designer or content managing director. I believe these collections of costless stock photos will come in handy:

          <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">unsplash</a></li>  <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">stocksnap</a></li>  <li><a href="HTTP://littlevisuals.carbon monoxide/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">littlevisuals</a></li>  <cardinal><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">deathtothestockphoto</a></atomic number 3>  <51><a href="hypertext transfer protocol://" prey="_blank" rel="nofollow">lifeofpix</a></li>  <li><a href="hypertext transfer protocol://World Wide" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">imcreator</a></li>  <li><a href="http://nos.twnsnd.Centennial State/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">nos.twnsnd</a></li>  <cardinal><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">tumblr</a></atomic number 3>  <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">jaymantri</a></li>  <li><a href="HTTP://" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">freestocks</a></atomic number 3>  <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">mmtstock</a></li>  <li><a href="" mark="_blank" rel="nofollow">flickr</a></li>                  

We cannot do without plug-ins for Sketch. We recommend using Invision Craft and Smug Generator to generate text messages and pictures in set parameters. It's hard to decide which one is better A they work in different ways. For example, one pulls content from unsplash, the other — from flickr. Therefore, it is better to use them together.

Here are some efficacious resources to select color palettes for websites:

          <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">color.adobe</a></li>  <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">colordrop</a></Li>  <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">uigradients</a></li>                  

As for icons, you will always get the individual pack with the theme. This is probably the best situation. However, Line Awesome is fine for prompt decisions.

Regarding fonts, it is better to use solutions from Google. Skyfonts is the best public utility to shape with them.

Here are some interesting resources with a wealth of useful assets:

          <li><a href="hypertext transfer protocol://" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">sketchappsources</a></lithium>  <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">graphicburger</a></li>  <fifty-one><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">uiuxassets</a></lithium>                  

How we Chose the Theme for our Secondment Template

Erstwhile our first templet Profi Theme hit the Corporate category, we decided that our next template should represent sphere-specific. We conducted a bit of search and decided that the category of Immovable was quite suitable: less than 100 WordPress templates and sales of the virtually successful ones were in the thousands. As I wrote earlier, we distinct to start with a new category of Sketch templates. We had some material on the theme of material possession rental, and so the only things we were left to do was to promote a melodic theme and prepare a Sketch lodge for release. After soft processing, which consisted of increasing the template mass, we at last uploaded our template to the market.


Supported our previous experience, we decided not to pay extra attention to the HTML version, and forthwith started evolution of the WordPress template. Later a month of productive work, the first build was ready for review. We were aware that it was not perfect, but we decided to try for a Soft Resist. During the review, which took virtually 2 weeks at that time, we were going to elaborate the remaining nuances.


We believed we had entered the home debase, but Themeforest's reviewers thought differently. The review of our template took more than two months — 63 days to be exact. As luck would have it, this was not a unverifiable mental attitude towards us, but the general slue of the market. This topic was actively discussed and debated on the forum, as reviews of WordPress templates did non take more than 35 days for a long time.


63 Day Review! What Should We Do?

During the reassessmen of our template we all but completely rethought its direction and redoubled its size and functionality threefold. In the beginning, we decided that IT would equal nice to create a Brooks Theme-based online store using the WooCommerce plug-in.


Then we remembered that initially sites on WordPress were used American Samoa blogs, and it would be foolish to make over a template without optimizing all blog pages and widgets.


I agree that 63 days is long enough. During this full stop we managed to develop a portfolio of architectural offices and interior design studios. Moreover, this folio can atomic number 4 easily optimized for photographers, artists, web designers, graphic designers, and other creative professionals.


Having made wholly the modifications, we understood that such an blanket templet did not belong in the Real property section. It was necessary to change the category and try to move into the Creative category, which was a extremely competitive recess. We had to incur the review from ThemeForest and upload the template with a request to transfer it to another category.

Our plan began to form on June 29th when we got a soft rejection. However, even we did non assume that it would take as overnight as 2 months and 5 soft rejections in front our template ultimately hit the market.

Our Five Soft Rejects


In each of our letters, unconnected from fixing bugs, we asked the reviewer to transfer our template to another category. Reviewers were changed and we standard no answer. They dispatched us upright another list of bugs and improvements. Sometimes they were ridiculous, for example, 'please check everything again' or 'WordPress is written with a capital W and P." They were like-minded in kernel, merely different each time. Why can't all the comments be transmitted in one varsity letter? What's the point of delaying the process? Sometimes you get the impression that reviewers are paid for delaying the review process. However, our concerns that the template would remain in the first category proved groundless. Later on long-awaited approval, our WordPress guide "Brooks WP — Creative Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme" was automatically moved to the wanted category.


About the author:
Oleg is CEO at ION Digital. Connected in the development of web services and mobile applications since 2010. He wanted to share his extensive experience in development of digital projects with our occupational group community and became an author at Icons8.

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