
How To Draw A Wand

Spells are cast by drawing specific shapes on a Wand's spell pad.

Upon drawing a shape the game recognizes, it will show a symbol on the screen matching the spell that the game interprets your drawing as.  Click the green check mark next to the pad to confirm the spell icon is for the spell you wish to cast, or click the pad and try another drawing if the icon is not for the spell you want.

Once the green check mark is clicked, that is the spell the Wand will cast until you change the symbol on the Wand's pad.

Different skills have different cool-down timers.  The cool-down timers are linked to the character, not the Wand, so you can not get around the cool-down by using multiple Wands. If you are trying to cast two different spells, you may be able to cast one before the cooldown is complete. It doesn't always work though.

In addition, your set spell is also tied to your character, not the Wand, so you cannot have multiple wands with different spells on them.

Spell Guide

Shape Spell Function
Ice Buff Spell
  • Turns silver or gold mines into Ice Magic Mines which can then be mined for Ancient Battlefield enchant stones. Grants you and your pet 1000 EXP.
  • Grants you a Speed Boost and Slows enemies (creatures only).
  • In PVP Only this spell can be used as an offensive. Aim at Enemy player to lock them in an Ice cage. Enemy will be unable to move for approx 10-15 Seconds.
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Summon Spell
  • Summons a Treant when aimed at a tree (will attack enemies & last approx. 5 minutes)
  • Summons a Rock Monster when aimed at a stone mine (will attack enemies & last approx 5 minutes)
  • Summons a Wall when aimed at the ground (useful for enemy projectiles, lasts approx 5 minutes)
Fire Spell
  • Turns silver or gold mines into Fire Magic Stones, which can then be mined for Steam Stones. Grants you and your pet 1000 EXP.
  • In PVP Only this spell can be used as an offensive. Aim at Enemy player to inflict a fire ring. This can however be escaped from and doesn't freeze enemies in their place
Lightning Spell
  • Conjures a lightning cloud above enemies (creatures only) which inflicts damage over a period of time.
Healing Spell
  • Fully heals player
Up Arrow
Glide Spell
  • Gives player the ability to glide down from heights. Quicker way to cover long distances

How To Draw A Wand


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