How To Draw Team Avatar

So I saw this video from The Amagi where he made his own team Avatar. He originally got the idea form Antoine Bendele as a challenge to create the best team Avatar.
So I thought that I would make a thread here where you can make your own team Avatar and discuss eachothers team Avatar.
The Team:
Your team:
- The team have to be 4 characters
- The team will have to have at least 1 non-bender
- The team will have to consist of 1 already pre-existing Avatar (Aang, Roku, Korra, Kyoshi etc)
- If you pick 2 benders besides the Avatar, they CANNOT be from the same nation as the Avatar, so if you pick Aang, you cannot pick other Airbenders
- Swamp Benders are the only exception to no-same elements
- You can pick a villain for your team
- Try to include 1 character that are a good strategist, but you don't have to have one
Villains for your team:
- Must consist of between 3 to 5 characters
- Must be at least 1 non-bender and at least 1 bender (humans)
- Spirits allowed
- The team can be any element you choose
- You cannot pick a good guy for this team
The last thing:
- Where would you think your team would be best placed if you would place it in the canon, During the ATLA series or LoK series?
So as I said, I got this idea from the Amagi, who was asked by Antoine Bendele to make his own team Avatar. For the original idea, here are the original video (It was a few weeks since I saw it so I can't really remember everything from it but I think my thread is a bit different than his, though it was inspired by the video itself, and I saw the Amagi video like 3 days ago):
This'll be fun!
Team Avatar

- The Avatar: Aang
- The Earthbender: Kuvira
- The Firebender: Jeong Jeong
- The Nonbender: Asami
I feel this team works both in terms of power and how well they'd go together. Aang's the best airbender and he's prodigious water, too, so there's no need for a waterbender. Though there are firebenders and earthbenders superior to JJ and Kuvira, Kuvira's character would clash well with Aang and Asami and could open up room for growth, especially with Jeong Jeong's wisdom, and she adds on metalbending, something that Aang can't do. Jeong Jeong himself would work very well with Aang as both are pacifists and Aang could learn from Jeong Jeong in defensive firebending like the wall, which compliments his fighting style, plus, I think he could be sort of the Tenzin of the team. Asami, of course, is a skilled fighter with good gear and a lot of technical smarts, so she fills multiple roles, and she would work well with Aang, I'd think, considering how well she got along with Korra.
The Villains

- The Firebender: Azula
- The Nonbender: Ty Lee (she was a bad guy for the most part so I hope she counts)
- The Airbender: Zaheer
- The Waterbender: Ming Hua
- The Earthbender: Ghazan
I feel like this would be good because the villains would be in a constant struggle among each other while not being too overwhelmingly powerful. Azula's already shown to be a major issue for Aang and she'd do well against Jeong Jeong, Ty Lee's a practically unstoppable force in nonbending combat, and the Red Lotus would tempt Kuvira and match with Aang and Jeong Jeong well, plus we already know about Asami and how she'd deal with everything there.
I feel like they'd be best in the LOK series. Azula, Aang and Jeong Jeong would be gods among men in that world, while the people from LOK would be right at home.
Team Avatar.
1. The Avatar: Yangchen of the Air Nomads.
We might not know a lot of Yangchen, but the little we know of still fascinates me. I'm sure she had a tough time growing up with her conflicting duties as the Avatar, and the teachings of the Air Nomads, but in the end she seemed to have fully embraced both roles. Out of all the Avatars we saw, Yangchen seemed like she had found the most balance; she would not take a life easy, but if she had to, she would. She was also an exceedingly powerful Avatar. Entering the Avatar State, she could create hurricanes that affected the environment around her so much that the clouds at the sky started travelling faster. Even outside of it, she could fight on par with General Old Iron for hours. She has the wisdom, power, and experience necessary to perform as well as any Avatar could, in my opinion.
2. The Dragon of the West: Iroh.
Iroh is the man, not only is he a genius when it comes to bending, he is also one of the wisest, most enlightened people alive. He could act as a mentor of not just the Avatar, but the entire team, and he is one of the most tactically adept and experienced war generals in the history of his country. With titles such as the Grand Lotus and Interim Firelord, he might have some back-up up his sleeve in a pinch, we saw how well he did as a fugitive after all.
3. The Matriarch: Suyin Beifong.
I was torn between the utility of an earth and metalbender, and the healing abilities of a waterbending master. With Su, I think I got a degree of both. As the leader of the most technologically and culturally advanced city in the world, her resources are mighty; communication, transportation, practically everything. She also brings experience, political and military power, and the versatility of an earthbending master to the table; she can manipulate most terrains and weapons of the modern era, and Seismic Sense would be an extremely useful skill by all accounts. With her on the team, we will always have a known safe-house in Zaofu too.
4. The Bounty Hunter: June.
This wasn't an easy pick. I didn't feel like an extra warrior such as Ty Lee or Mai would contribute enough on the team, and Suyin's being part of the group covers the technological part quite well already, so instead of the Satos, or Varrick, I figured access to a poisonous animal that is literally as good as a moder-era satellite tracker would be most useful. Wether that is a hostage situation, a missing person, a stealthy get-away, or a chase.
I think this team would have solid synergy all around. The only issue would be getting June to co operate most of the time, but that is why the wise Iroh and the free spirited Suyin are for. With an Air Nomad Avatar to add, I think the chemistry would come off rather solid. Everyone here can more than carry themselves in battle, while bringing in diverse skill sets even outside of it, and we'll have all the necessary resources we'll ever need to deal with pretty much any threat. Finally, if it all works out, Iroh and Su might teach lightningbending, heatbending, or metalbending to Yangchen, building an even more powerful Avatar. They have both served as elemental masters before, after all.
1. The Leader: Jianzhu. I like to think Jianzhu as a more dangerous version of Long Feng; he "secretly" had political power over the entire Earth Kingdom, he was manipulative, intelligent, and a dangerous earthbender. He'd not be just an asset to a team of bad guys, but also an incredibly dangerous, grounded (pun not intented) threat to my team. I'd like to see a clash between him and Suyin, especially on a political level.
2. The Spiritual Master: Unalaq. Unalaq might not be a very interesting character, but he brings another threat level on an opposing team of villains. If there is a single good thing about Book 2 and him was the epic-ness of a fully realised Avatar having to deal with a power that is, finally, equal to themselves. It'd be interesting to see how the Team Avatars of other eras would attempt to deal with Unalaq and Vaatu. He is the dark counterpart.
3/4. The Equalists: Amon and Sato. Book 1 of TLoK felt more cinematic than anything else in the franchise, and in large part it was because of Amon. He always brought in the unorthodox, the suspence, it was a war like none we saw before in the series, and it was based on reality too; I would love to see how Team Avatar would deal with the guerilla tactics of the Equalists, and the power of Hiroshi Sato and Future Industries. This wasn't an easy pick between him and Kuvira, but for one I did not think Kuvira and Jianzhu would willingly work together given their ideologies, and for another, I didn't want to use Kuvira as a villain now that she's going through her redemption arc. I realise that Amon wouldn't work with benders either, but I guess he could be part of a different story than Jianzhu or Unalaq.
Also, great idea for a thread.
...Cool. I think I want my team at a disadvantage. They'll have to rely on strategy and making full use of all their resources at hand. I'm also gonna put a lot of "alphas" on my villain team. If they can work together, they should overwhelm Team Avatar. If.
Team Avatar:
- Avatar: Aang -- best Avatar state; best connection with past lives; most personable and levelheaded
- Nonbender: Asami Sato -- one of the best combatants among the nonbenders; rich; expert inventor and engineer; has the best resources/connections
- Additional bender 1: Kuvira -- one of the best earthbenders in the series; master strategist/tactician; I think she has the best potential for interesting dynamics with the rest of the members of the team
- Additional Bender 2: Zuko -- powerful firebender; Fire Lord (and all the resources that come with that); I considered using Katara, but I didn't want Aang stuck around all women, and Zuko has more depth as a character tbh
Team Villain:
- Zaheer -- has a spiritual understanding on par with Aang or Unalaq; believes his downfall was not having the right team around him
- Unalaq -- pre-Fusion; has a spiritual understanding on par with Aang or Zaheer; the tandem waterbending between him and Amon will be a powerful weapon
- Amon -- menacing, ruthless, imposing, and brings the threat of bloodbending; he survived the explosion at the end of LoK Book 1
- P'li -- I thought of using Azula, but I wanted a new foil for Zuko, she works well with Zaheer, and I decided she has a grudge with Aang and Zuko over Combustion Man's death
- Mai -- Zuko's jaded ex because Kei Lo doesn't exist lol; has insight into how Aang and Zuko operate; the weakest combatant, but can at least hold her own against Asami; may potentially defect or walk away from the group
I'm gonna come back to this!
@cocacolaman: I really like your team and villains. I would say that Ty-Lee count as a bad guy. They have to have been a villain for at least 1 season to count as a villain, even though they redeemed themselves.
@anthp2000: Yangshen was not something that I honestly pictured one picking, but refreshing seeing someone not picking Aang or Korra or even Roku/Kyoshi.
@indomitableregal:I would say that Aang doesn't have the best AS. I would argue Kyoshi and Korra have better and possibly Roku.
Anyway, Korra honestly have the greatest spiritual connection of all Avatars. She was lousy at first but she literally grew to become the most connected to her spiritual self of all the Avatars.
Question regarding the rules. You say the other members cannot be from the same nation. Would choosing a Water Tribe avatar prevent me from choosing a Foggy Swamp Tribe character? Both waterbenders, but very distinct in style and culture.
Question regarding the rules. You say the other members cannot be from the same nation. Would choosing a Water Tribe avatar prevent me from choosing a Foggy Swamp Tribe character? Both waterbenders, but very distinct in style and culture.
Only Foggy Swamp benders. Otherwise they cannot be the same as main element of Avatar.
Disclaimer: I too am assuming no AS, no Bloodbending, and Comet. I also am not trying to make the most powerful team, but rather a team that would work really well together, and still be insanely powerful.
My Team Avatar!
Avatar: Aang
Firebender: Uncle Iroh
Earthbender: Bumi
Nonbender: Suki
Ok, so right from the get go I knew I wanted Iroh on my team. Not only is he incredibly powerful, but he also has many wise words and great morals. He'd be a perfect mentor for the team.
After I picked Iroh I decided to pick my Avatar. Initially I wanted Roku, but considering I already had a very powerful Firebender, I went with Aang. I know is kinda the predictable pick, but I had to go with what I thought would work the best. I always loved whenever him and Iroh were together on the show, and I think his airbending is some of the most powerful bending in the show.
Then I went with Bumi. He too is very powerful, and he has a great relationship with both Aang and Iroh. I could only imagine how great those 3 would work together.
Lastly, I picked Suki. I thought about Piandao considering he already had worked with both Bumi and Iroh, but I didn't want my team to become "The White Lotus with Aang". I think of Ty Lee as more of a villain, and I know you said we could pick villains, but I wanted to try to keep it only heroes.
I'll try to do my villain team later when I get some more time!
Team Avatar - The Wan Squad

The Team that needed a Team
A weird team sure, but I feel what this team may lack in over all power it makes up in with solving the shortcomings of each individual character with the rest of the team.
- Wan - Wan was a pretty great avatar for being the first but he lacked something I feel someone with his harsh duties of being the first in a long line of peace keepers needed. People to stand by him, Wan lived and died alone trying to solve the issues of a young world with nothing but a companion to his side. He had the makings of a great leader and I feel he could be the brother and leader this team needs.
- Kya - Kya's biggest issue as said by Tenzin was that she spent too much of her life attempting to find herself and place in the world. I feel what she needed was like Wan not to be alone on her journey with people who could understand her. She was a competent bender as well but grew up in a time of peace and was a much better healer than combative bender, regardless a worthy addition to any team.
- Opal - The Weird choice, the one who grew up with a nice family all together, not only does she have the perspective of an Airbender raised with Earthbenders but I feel she is the best to be the "heart" of the group filled by Katara in ATLA, she knows what a family is and would be the best to keep a Family of any Team Avatar together.
- Jet - Jet needs this team the most, and I stand by if he was given the chance to travel with the OG team his story would of been less tragic. Jet has a family sure, but he's the defacto big brother,leader. Jet needs people who are willing to care for him but are capable of putting him in his place physically and mentally. He's also an underrated strategist and a competent user of guerrilla warfare. I think him also getting the chance to travel with an Avatar whose inherently fire nation would do good for his feeling on them and seeing a fire bender doesn't equal a evil person.
The Spirit Triad -
- Wan Shi Tong
- General Iron
- Koh The Face Stealer
Three Spirits with antagonist views of the Avatar
- Wa Shi Tong prefers an Avatar who is more than human a species he looks down upon due to their abuse of the spirits and their knowledge
- Old General Iron who beleives the Avatar is too biased.
- Koh, A evil spirit if their was one but a personal grudge against the few humans who can face him (The Avatar)
@indomitableregal: I would say that Aang doesn't have the best AS. I would argue Kyoshi and Korra have better and possibly Roku.
Anyway, Korra honestly have the greatest spiritual connection of all Avatars. She was lousy at first but she literally grew to become the most connected to her spiritual self of all the Avatars.
Fair enough on Kyoshi since I have limited knowledge of her books, but I honestly didn't want her for my team. Roku is debatable, but I'd take Aang. Plus, if I used Roku I couldn't use Zuko, which takes away from the story my mind created... I disagree with Korra, though.
And wasn't she disconnected from all her past lives as of Book 2? I mean she can go to the spirit world, but so can Aang. Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree lol. XD
@stormshadow_x: Dope team tbh. And I don't think Opal is a weird team at all when you look at how they're constructed. So is this meant to be a younger Kya like the one pictured, or current? And who would be your villain team?
@indomitableregal: Just added them, didn't go into as much detail though lol and yeah it would be a younger Kya
My Team Avatar:
- Avatar Kuruk (avatar)
- Jeong Jeong (firebender)
- Huu (plantbender)
- Zaheer (Non-bender)
I chose this team to play off Kuruk's personal struggle against the dark spirits of his time that plagued him. In his time as avatar he faced the conflict alone and with little real support. This time around he has three experts of the spiritual to fight at his side. Can they be the difference between Kuruk's ultimate failure or a valiant success?
Zaheer is the closest to Kuruk in age but in terms of personality couldn't be further a part. While Zaheer, the non-bender of the team, is very reserved, disciplined, and spiritual Kuruk is a bit of a layabout who deals with his pain by trying to escape it through partying and goofing off. I see these two clashing constantly with Zaheer seeing Kuruk as a failure of an avatar and Kuruk seeing Zaheer as uptight, opinionated, and at times so emotionally detached from the group's struggles as to be dangerous.
Jeong Jeong, who will be Kuruk's firebending master who is still working with Kuruk when the plot begins as it is his opposite element and so he needed some extra practice with it, is another disciplined and spiritual teacher for Kuruk. More advanced in age and thus more of a mentor than a peer he can help reign Kuruk in, though his strict code of non-violence would chafe against the rebellious Zaheer. Zaheer in return would have a great deal of respect for Jeong Jeong but at the same time advocate for more aggressive, lethal solutions to the group's problems.
Huu would be the Toph they pick up along the journey. The late comer who shakes up the group dynamic. While Zaheer and Jeong Jeong are both very disciplined and strict Huu is a lot more laid back, albeit in the more emotionally healthy way than Kuruk is. He'd bring some brevity to the otherwise overly serious team as well as encourage Kuruk to relax and enjoy life more, without letting him fall into the self destructive spiral Kuruk ended up with in the main timeline.
Team Dark Spirit:
- Father Glowworm
- Koe the Face Stealer
- Unalaq
- Amon
In this timeline Unalaq picks up a young Noatak, this time born in the Northern Water Tribe. This is after his father, Yakone, was killed in battle by the previous avatar, Yangchen, to stop him from using his bloodbending to conquer the world. Noatak grew up fatherless in a world that hated him for his parentage and feared him for his power. Unalaq, who was already in communication with Vaatu by this point, adopts him and mentors him in waterbending with the goal of using him as an agent of divine retribution. He reinforces Noatak's hatred for bending, something he gets in this timeline due to being told his entire life what a monster he is for his family's abilities, and convinces the young man that only by aiding the spirits to cleanse the world of the impure can true balance be achieved.
And so Noatak dawns a mask and takes the name Amon, becoming the harbinger of the spirits' will. Unalaq, with his knowledge of chakras and healing, helps Amon develop the power to strip away bending and unleashes him upon the world with an army of dark spirits gained through Unalaq's alliance with Vaatu. He makes contact with Father Glowworm who ultimately allows Unalaq to use his portals, as he is interested in seeing what may come of it.
Amon becomes the dragon of Unalaq's villainy. More than a match for Team Avatar on his own (with some dark spirit aid) and only countered by the fact Kuruk has no restrictions on his use of the Avatar State. He partners up with Koh, possibly trading away his face for the spirit's aid (Possibly saying "I have a new face now" as he dawns the mask), and works to undo the tyranny of the avatar and bring "balance" to the worlds.
It'd mostly begin with Kuruk and Zaheer noticing a strange amount of dark spirit activity. Eventually they'd get word of entire villages who've been attacked by dark spirits and been stripped of their bending. Thus they head off, tailing this mysterious figure known only as "Amon" and his tide of dark spirits in an attempt to put a stop to him, unaware of the greater plan by Unalaq to plunge the world into darkness to set up the eventual arrival of Vaatu into the world.
@metaljimmor: You didn't include a non-bender. Has to be at least 1 non-bender (human)
@stormshadow_x: The villain team needs to consist of at least 1 bender and 1 non-bender (humans)
Spirits ARE ok but cannot be just spirits for the villain team. Unless you have planned to make another team of villains later.
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal: I would say that Aang doesn't have the best AS. I would argue Kyoshi and Korra have better and possibly Roku.
Anyway, Korra honestly have the greatest spiritual connection of all Avatars. She was lousy at first but she literally grew to become the most connected to her spiritual self of all the Avatars.
Fair enough on Kyoshi since I have limited knowledge of her books, but I honestly didn't want her for my team. Roku is debatable, but I'd take Aang. Plus, if I used Roku I couldn't use Zuko, which takes away from the story my mind created... I disagree with Korra, though.
And wasn't she disconnected from all her past lives as of Book 2? I mean she can go to the spirit world, but so can Aang. Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree lol. XD
I mean, Korra is more connected to the spirit and spirit world than any other Avatar we have seen. Especially Raava. The only one more connected to Raava you can make a case for is Wan, but he lacks the connection to the spirit world and the spirits that Korra have, though we know he has a good connection thanks to him living with them for a long time.
And while Aang can go to the spirit world, he has not been shown as connected as Korra have. Aang never managed to bend in the spirit world, Korra could. Even when she physically was not there to begin with.
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal: I would say that Aang doesn't have the best AS. I would argue Kyoshi and Korra have better and possibly Roku.
Anyway, Korra honestly have the greatest spiritual connection of all Avatars. She was lousy at first but she literally grew to become the most connected to her spiritual self of all the Avatars.
Fair enough on Kyoshi since I have limited knowledge of her books, but I honestly didn't want her for my team. Roku is debatable, but I'd take Aang. Plus, if I used Roku I couldn't use Zuko, which takes away from the story my mind created... I disagree with Korra, though.
And wasn't she disconnected from all her past lives as of Book 2? I mean she can go to the spirit world, but so can Aang. Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree lol. XD
I mean, Korra is more connected to the spirit and spirit world than any other Avatar we have seen. Especially Raava. The only one more connected to Raava you can make a case for is Wan, but he lacks the connection to the spirit world and the spirits that Korra have, though we know he has a good connection thanks to him living with them for a long time.
And while Aang can go to the spirit world, he has not been shown as connected as Korra have. Aang never managed to bend in the spirit world, Korra could. Even when she physically was not there to begin with.
But her connection is in large part to the spirit portals being opened up. Prior to that, I wouldn't say she was better in that department than her predecessors. And if I recall correctly, Korra couldn't bend in the Spirit World through meditation alone, only if she went directly through the Spirit Portals (pretty sure Unalaq made direct reference to this) -- something that wasn't an option to Aang. If she ever did through meditation alone (which I can't recall her doing), I'm guessing it was after the portals were left permanently open and the spiritual and physical worlds weren't kept separated.
I figured Koh counted for a non-bender as he's a spirit with no elemental powers that we know of. Kind of drawing a blank on evil non-benders who could fit into the spirit plot well.
I guess I could just throw Amon's Lieutenant in to fill the slot.
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal: I would say that Aang doesn't have the best AS. I would argue Kyoshi and Korra have better and possibly Roku.
Anyway, Korra honestly have the greatest spiritual connection of all Avatars. She was lousy at first but she literally grew to become the most connected to her spiritual self of all the Avatars.
Fair enough on Kyoshi since I have limited knowledge of her books, but I honestly didn't want her for my team. Roku is debatable, but I'd take Aang. Plus, if I used Roku I couldn't use Zuko, which takes away from the story my mind created... I disagree with Korra, though.
And wasn't she disconnected from all her past lives as of Book 2? I mean she can go to the spirit world, but so can Aang. Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree lol. XD
I mean, Korra is more connected to the spirit and spirit world than any other Avatar we have seen. Especially Raava. The only one more connected to Raava you can make a case for is Wan, but he lacks the connection to the spirit world and the spirits that Korra have, though we know he has a good connection thanks to him living with them for a long time.
And while Aang can go to the spirit world, he has not been shown as connected as Korra have. Aang never managed to bend in the spirit world, Korra could. Even when she physically was not there to begin with.
But her connection is in large part to the spirit portals being opened up. Prior to that, I wouldn't say she was better in that department than her predecessors. And if I recall correctly, Korra couldn't bend in the Spirit World through meditation alone, only if she went directly through the Spirit Portals (pretty sure Unalaq made direct reference to this) -- something that wasn't an option to Aang. If she ever did through meditation alone (which I can't recall her doing), I'm guessing it was after the portals were left permanently open and the spiritual and physical worlds weren't kept separated.
Her connection got stronger after she lost connection to the previous Avatars. Korra, as stated by Raava, was more powerful in the spirit world, due to her connection to the spirit world. It wouldn't have mattered actually if the portals was open or not, she was still far more connected than ever.
Aang if we are going to be honest, didn't really have that great a connection to the spirit. Wan, Korra, Yangshen was more connected to the spirits and the spirit world than Aang was. Aang actually wasn't that connected to the spirits at all.
Korra was stated by Raava also that she could bend in the spirit world. Rewatch Season 4 Episode 10, at 19:55 I think it was.
I figured Koh counted for a non-bender as he's a spirit with no elemental powers that we know of. Kind of drawing a blank on evil non-benders who could fit into the spirit plot well.
I guess I could just throw Amon's Lieutenant in to fill the slot.
I have no problem with spirits at all as long as there are 1 bender and 1 non bender human.
It's interesting that you and Stormshadow_X included spirits in your teams. It mixes it up a bit.
I feel Unalaq would be a good addition to a team with spirits due to his spiritual connection.
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal: I would say that Aang doesn't have the best AS. I would argue Kyoshi and Korra have better and possibly Roku.
Anyway, Korra honestly have the greatest spiritual connection of all Avatars. She was lousy at first but she literally grew to become the most connected to her spiritual self of all the Avatars.
Fair enough on Kyoshi since I have limited knowledge of her books, but I honestly didn't want her for my team. Roku is debatable, but I'd take Aang. Plus, if I used Roku I couldn't use Zuko, which takes away from the story my mind created... I disagree with Korra, though.
And wasn't she disconnected from all her past lives as of Book 2? I mean she can go to the spirit world, but so can Aang. Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree lol. XD
I mean, Korra is more connected to the spirit and spirit world than any other Avatar we have seen. Especially Raava. The only one more connected to Raava you can make a case for is Wan, but he lacks the connection to the spirit world and the spirits that Korra have, though we know he has a good connection thanks to him living with them for a long time.
And while Aang can go to the spirit world, he has not been shown as connected as Korra have. Aang never managed to bend in the spirit world, Korra could. Even when she physically was not there to begin with.
But her connection is in large part to the spirit portals being opened up. Prior to that, I wouldn't say she was better in that department than her predecessors. And if I recall correctly, Korra couldn't bend in the Spirit World through meditation alone, only if she went directly through the Spirit Portals (pretty sure Unalaq made direct reference to this) -- something that wasn't an option to Aang. If she ever did through meditation alone (which I can't recall her doing), I'm guessing it was after the portals were left permanently open and the spiritual and physical worlds weren't kept separated.
Her connection got stronger after she lost connection to the previous Avatars. Korra, as stated by Raava, was more powerful in the spirit world, due to her connection to the spirit world. It wouldn't have mattered actually if the portals was open or not, she was still far more connected than ever.
Aang if we are going to be honest, didn't really have that great a connection to the spirit. Wan, Korra, Yangshen was more connected to the spirits and the spirit world than Aang was. Aang actually wasn't that connected to the spirits at all.
Korra was stated by Raava also that she could bend in the spirit world. Rewatch Season 4 Episode 10, at 19:55 I think it was.
*sigh* To quote me from before:
Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree
None of this was even part of my original reason for choosing Aang. I said he had the best Avatar state, the best connection with past lives, and he was the most personable and levelheaded. I thought the whole point of this was making your own Team Avatar and villains team -- which I did -- and I mentioned a few of my "storyline" reasons for choosing who I did. Somehow you turned this into a "who's more spiritual" debate between Aang and Korra. :\
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal: I would say that Aang doesn't have the best AS. I would argue Kyoshi and Korra have better and possibly Roku.
Anyway, Korra honestly have the greatest spiritual connection of all Avatars. She was lousy at first but she literally grew to become the most connected to her spiritual self of all the Avatars.
Fair enough on Kyoshi since I have limited knowledge of her books, but I honestly didn't want her for my team. Roku is debatable, but I'd take Aang. Plus, if I used Roku I couldn't use Zuko, which takes away from the story my mind created... I disagree with Korra, though.
And wasn't she disconnected from all her past lives as of Book 2? I mean she can go to the spirit world, but so can Aang. Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree lol. XD
I mean, Korra is more connected to the spirit and spirit world than any other Avatar we have seen. Especially Raava. The only one more connected to Raava you can make a case for is Wan, but he lacks the connection to the spirit world and the spirits that Korra have, though we know he has a good connection thanks to him living with them for a long time.
And while Aang can go to the spirit world, he has not been shown as connected as Korra have. Aang never managed to bend in the spirit world, Korra could. Even when she physically was not there to begin with.
But her connection is in large part to the spirit portals being opened up. Prior to that, I wouldn't say she was better in that department than her predecessors. And if I recall correctly, Korra couldn't bend in the Spirit World through meditation alone, only if she went directly through the Spirit Portals (pretty sure Unalaq made direct reference to this) -- something that wasn't an option to Aang. If she ever did through meditation alone (which I can't recall her doing), I'm guessing it was after the portals were left permanently open and the spiritual and physical worlds weren't kept separated.
Her connection got stronger after she lost connection to the previous Avatars. Korra, as stated by Raava, was more powerful in the spirit world, due to her connection to the spirit world. It wouldn't have mattered actually if the portals was open or not, she was still far more connected than ever.
Aang if we are going to be honest, didn't really have that great a connection to the spirit. Wan, Korra, Yangshen was more connected to the spirits and the spirit world than Aang was. Aang actually wasn't that connected to the spirits at all.
Korra was stated by Raava also that she could bend in the spirit world. Rewatch Season 4 Episode 10, at 19:55 I think it was.
*sigh* To quote me from before:
Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree
None of this was even part of my original reason for choosing Aang. I said he had the best Avatar state, the best connection with past lives, and he was the most personable and levelheaded.
For him to have the best connection to his past lives, he would have to have had the best spiritual connection, which he did not, he had the worst of the Avatars we know of (besides Kuruk though he might have had better than Aang but as he is the one I know little about only I can't really say).
Which is why I said that Aang didn't have the best in the things you mentioned.
Korra also had the best AS out of them all. This is mainly due to the fact her spiritual connection to Raava is the best we have ever seen. Aang was good, but the best he was not.
I thought the whole point of this was making your own Team Avatar and villains team -- which I did -- and I mentioned a few of my "storyline" reasons for choosing who I did. Somehow you turned this into a "who's more spiritual" debate between Aang and Korra. :\
I know the point of the thread. I made it. I like your team.
I didn't criticize your team in any way, it was not my intention to.
If it came off like that, I do apologize for the way I phrased it that way.
I wanted to point out that Aang was not the one with the best AS, and nor that he had the best connection to his past lives. It all tie in to their spiritual connection, which Korra far exceed anyone else we have seen.
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal: I would say that Aang doesn't have the best AS. I would argue Kyoshi and Korra have better and possibly Roku.
Anyway, Korra honestly have the greatest spiritual connection of all Avatars. She was lousy at first but she literally grew to become the most connected to her spiritual self of all the Avatars.
Fair enough on Kyoshi since I have limited knowledge of her books, but I honestly didn't want her for my team. Roku is debatable, but I'd take Aang. Plus, if I used Roku I couldn't use Zuko, which takes away from the story my mind created... I disagree with Korra, though.
And wasn't she disconnected from all her past lives as of Book 2? I mean she can go to the spirit world, but so can Aang. Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree lol. XD
I mean, Korra is more connected to the spirit and spirit world than any other Avatar we have seen. Especially Raava. The only one more connected to Raava you can make a case for is Wan, but he lacks the connection to the spirit world and the spirits that Korra have, though we know he has a good connection thanks to him living with them for a long time.
And while Aang can go to the spirit world, he has not been shown as connected as Korra have. Aang never managed to bend in the spirit world, Korra could. Even when she physically was not there to begin with.
But her connection is in large part to the spirit portals being opened up. Prior to that, I wouldn't say she was better in that department than her predecessors. And if I recall correctly, Korra couldn't bend in the Spirit World through meditation alone, only if she went directly through the Spirit Portals (pretty sure Unalaq made direct reference to this) -- something that wasn't an option to Aang. If she ever did through meditation alone (which I can't recall her doing), I'm guessing it was after the portals were left permanently open and the spiritual and physical worlds weren't kept separated.
Her connection got stronger after she lost connection to the previous Avatars. Korra, as stated by Raava, was more powerful in the spirit world, due to her connection to the spirit world. It wouldn't have mattered actually if the portals was open or not, she was still far more connected than ever.
Aang if we are going to be honest, didn't really have that great a connection to the spirit. Wan, Korra, Yangshen was more connected to the spirits and the spirit world than Aang was. Aang actually wasn't that connected to the spirits at all.
Korra was stated by Raava also that she could bend in the spirit world. Rewatch Season 4 Episode 10, at 19:55 I think it was.
*sigh* To quote me from before:
Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree
None of this was even part of my original reason for choosing Aang. I said he had the best Avatar state, the best connection with past lives, and he was the most personable and levelheaded.
For him to have the best connection to his past lives, he would have to have had the best spiritual connection, which he did not, he had the worst of the Avatars we know of (besides Kuruk though he might have had better than Aang but as he is the one I know little about only I can't really say).
Which is why I said that Aang didn't have the best in the things you mentioned.
Korra also had the best AS out of them all. This is mainly due to the fact her spiritual connection to Raava is the best we have ever seen. Aang was good, but the best he was not.
I thought the whole point of this was making your own Team Avatar and villains team -- which I did -- and I mentioned a few of my "storyline" reasons for choosing who I did. Somehow you turned this into a "who's more spiritual" debate between Aang and Korra. :\
I know the point of the thread. I made it. I like your team.
I didn't criticize your team in any way, it was not my intention to.
If it came off like that, I do apologize for the way I phrased it that way.
I wanted to point out that Aang was not the one with the best AS, and nor that he had the best connection to his past lives. It all tie in to their spiritual connection, which Korra far exceed anyone else we have seen.
I think my point may have been missed, but to cut this argument short, I disagree.
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal said:
@byondeon said:
@indomitableregal: I would say that Aang doesn't have the best AS. I would argue Kyoshi and Korra have better and possibly Roku.
Anyway, Korra honestly have the greatest spiritual connection of all Avatars. She was lousy at first but she literally grew to become the most connected to her spiritual self of all the Avatars.
Fair enough on Kyoshi since I have limited knowledge of her books, but I honestly didn't want her for my team. Roku is debatable, but I'd take Aang. Plus, if I used Roku I couldn't use Zuko, which takes away from the story my mind created... I disagree with Korra, though.
And wasn't she disconnected from all her past lives as of Book 2? I mean she can go to the spirit world, but so can Aang. Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree lol. XD
I mean, Korra is more connected to the spirit and spirit world than any other Avatar we have seen. Especially Raava. The only one more connected to Raava you can make a case for is Wan, but he lacks the connection to the spirit world and the spirits that Korra have, though we know he has a good connection thanks to him living with them for a long time.
And while Aang can go to the spirit world, he has not been shown as connected as Korra have. Aang never managed to bend in the spirit world, Korra could. Even when she physically was not there to begin with.
But her connection is in large part to the spirit portals being opened up. Prior to that, I wouldn't say she was better in that department than her predecessors. And if I recall correctly, Korra couldn't bend in the Spirit World through meditation alone, only if she went directly through the Spirit Portals (pretty sure Unalaq made direct reference to this) -- something that wasn't an option to Aang. If she ever did through meditation alone (which I can't recall her doing), I'm guessing it was after the portals were left permanently open and the spiritual and physical worlds weren't kept separated.
Her connection got stronger after she lost connection to the previous Avatars. Korra, as stated by Raava, was more powerful in the spirit world, due to her connection to the spirit world. It wouldn't have mattered actually if the portals was open or not, she was still far more connected than ever.
Aang if we are going to be honest, didn't really have that great a connection to the spirit. Wan, Korra, Yangshen was more connected to the spirits and the spirit world than Aang was. Aang actually wasn't that connected to the spirits at all.
Korra was stated by Raava also that she could bend in the spirit world. Rewatch Season 4 Episode 10, at 19:55 I think it was.
*sigh* To quote me from before:
Anyway, doesn't matter. We both know we're not gonna agree
None of this was even part of my original reason for choosing Aang. I said he had the best Avatar state, the best connection with past lives, and he was the most personable and levelheaded.
For him to have the best connection to his past lives, he would have to have had the best spiritual connection, which he did not, he had the worst of the Avatars we know of (besides Kuruk though he might have had better than Aang but as he is the one I know little about only I can't really say).
Which is why I said that Aang didn't have the best in the things you mentioned.
Korra also had the best AS out of them all. This is mainly due to the fact her spiritual connection to Raava is the best we have ever seen. Aang was good, but the best he was not.
I thought the whole point of this was making your own Team Avatar and villains team -- which I did -- and I mentioned a few of my "storyline" reasons for choosing who I did. Somehow you turned this into a "who's more spiritual" debate between Aang and Korra. :\
I know the point of the thread. I made it. I like your team.
I didn't criticize your team in any way, it was not my intention to.
If it came off like that, I do apologize for the way I phrased it that way.
I wanted to point out that Aang was not the one with the best AS, and nor that he had the best connection to his past lives. It all tie in to their spiritual connection, which Korra far exceed anyone else we have seen.
I think my point may have been missed, but to cut this argument short, I disagree.
Nah. I don't think so. But let's agree to disagree.
And you still have a nice team...
Team Avatar
So when I was making my Team Avatar and Team Villain, I got to two different teams. However I decided to go with the first team of the two.
Korra | The Avatar |
Asami | The Non-Bender and GF |
Piandao | The Swordmaster |
Lin Beifong | The Less Grumpy Beifong |
Korra: So, I was contemplating between having Korra or Wan in the team, but ultimately decided to pick Korra. Korra while she can be headstrong and reckless at times, she was a great Avatar and she learned and grew throughout the show. She is probably the most spiritual avatar we have in the verse, which would clash well with some from my villain team. And she can match the power my enemy team possess.
Asami: I was contemplating adding Varrick over Asami but ultimately decided that Asami is the better non-bender as she is overall more useful than Varrick. While she isn't as smart as Varrick, she is more well rounded due to her intelligence and fighting abilities. And I couldn't separate her from Korra in the end. She adds the resources from Future Industries, which will come in handy for the team while also being able to mediate between the clashes Korra will have with Lin.
Piandao: I was looking for an ATLA character, as I didn't only want a team composed of only LoK character and first I thought about adding Zuko or Iroh, but decided that 2 benders would be enough so I added Piandao instead. Not only is Piandao a master swordsman, but he is also a wise man, not on the level of Iroh, but noone is. And I think that he would be able to teach Asami and Korra in the art of the sword.
Lin Beifong: I wanted to add a powerful bender but not too powerful and Lin fit that role perfectly. Lin and Korra would clash as much as Katara and Toph, but Asami would be able to de-escalate the tension. Korra and Lin also works really well together when they are not in disagreement. Lin would also be working as the teams strategist, and while she might not be the best strategist I could have picked, I feel that they all would be able to work well together.
DA Unalaq | The Leader |
Ghazan | The Lavabending Prodigy |
Azula | The Princess of Power |
Ty Lee | The Original Chi Blocker |
The Lieutenant | The Chi Blocking Moustache Man |
DA Unalaq:I picked DA Unalaq because he possess the power to contend with a fully realized AS Avatar. And he can match Korra in spiritual connection (and all that have seen my posts about Avatar would have seen this one coming a mile away). I wanted a character that could match the Avatar blow for blow without having to have a distinct advantage in environment or help from other characters. He is also a great leader, even though he doesn't care about anything but power. While he will not really care about the team members of his team, he will be able to manipulate them into following him, and yes, I would say he would be able to manipulate Azula as well.
Ghazan: A powerful Earthbender that could match the Earthbending of Team Avatar. Add in Lavabending and he become a threat. That is literally all there is to this pick.
Azula: A manipulative a**hole. She is manipulative and a prodigy in firebending. She is a cunning strategist who could fight even with the Avatar. She is a good addition to the team, and I could see her and Unalaq work well together, and both will have a slight infighting but I don't think that it would be a big problem for them. They are kinda similar in some ways and very different in others.
Ty Lee: The only really viable option for the team. She is kinda easily manipulated and will be so by Azula and Unalaq. She is a master at Martial Arts and will be matching Asami and Piandao in H2H combat.
The Lieutenant: The weakest member of the team, and his ideals go contrary to the others in the team, however I feel that his anti-bending ideals will clash well with the benders. I feel that he can come to compromise and work with his team to ultimately work against Team Avatar.
I kind of want to make a whole new team just cause.
@cocacolaman: Go for it... If you want ofc. Not gonna force you to do something you don't wanna do.
Team Avatar 2.0

- The Avatar: Roku
- The Waterbending Elder: Pakku
- The Waterbending Prodigy: Katara
- The Nonbender: Suki
I feel like this team works because of the relations of the non-Avatars and Pakku with Roku. Roku and Pakku no doubt could get along well in their youth, not to mention Katara, and Suki just adds a whole other flavor considering her relationship with Sokka (and, by extension, Katara.) Plus, two waterbending masters to balance out a Fire Nation Avatar.
The Villains

- The Nonbender: Mai
- The Combustion Bender: Combustion Man
- The Dark Avatar: Unalaq
Combustion Man is a super-powerful assassin who's got a good way to fight against Team Avatar. Dark Avatar Unalaq has waterbending to trouble even the waterbending masters, plus the spirit of Vattu, and Mai is a nonbender of a vastly different style than Suki, opening up potential for a different kind of combat. I feel that either of my benders could take Katara and Pakku a lot of trouble to try and defeat (if they could even defeat Unalaq,) and would even trouble Roku.
@cocacolaman: I would say that Unalaq would beat the waterbenders together honestly. I would say that DA Unalaq = AS Avatars honestly.
How To Draw Team Avatar
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